The Thomas Carman Food Pantry collects donated food and accepts financial donations to purchase food. Bags of nutritious food are distributed free each week on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
The Food Pantry’s budget for 2023 is $40,000 of which $33,600 or 84% is allocated for food purchases. The rest is for operating expenses. The Pantry's Board of Directors and staff are all non-paid volunteers. Our food pickups are done by volunteers who are not reimbursed for gas or mileage.
Most food purchases are made from the Monterey County Food Bank in Salinas at wholesale prices. On average, we can purchase $7 worth of food at the Food Bank with each $1 donated.
To donate food, bring it by the pantry located at the Epiphany and Lutheran Church at the corner of Carmel and California Avenues in Marina and leave it in the food donation bin next to the Food Pantry. Food donations may also be dropped off in the food barrel located in the Grocery Outlet in Marina.
Financial donations may be mailed to the Thomas Carman Food Pantry at 425 Carmel Avenue, Marina, CA 93933
The Pantry is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation; tax identification number 46-0508320. Donations are tax deductible.