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The Thomas Carman Food Pantry's mission is to provide food for needy households and individuals
Our food Source
A major portion of the food provided by the Pantry is purchased from the Food Bank of Monterey County located in Salinas. Weekly runs to the Food Bank are made by volunteers to stock the Pantry shelves in order to provide the basic ingredients for the food bags handed out each week. Most food is stored in the Pantry.
Lucky grocery store in Marina and Sand City donate bread, meat, pastries and other food. Volunteers transport the food each week to the Pantry.
The Pantry also purchases food items from the Grocery Outlet and Lucky grocery stores in Marina, often at discount prices. The Pantry purchases 100 turkeys to distribute each Thanksgiving; the Grocery Outlet makes the turkeys available at discount prices.
Our Volunteers
The Pantry is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors:
Name City of Residence Occupation
Open, Chairman
Andrea Baltzegar, Treasurer Marina Accountant
Sammi Sorci, Secretary Marina Retired
Sharon Austen Attebury Marina Retired
The food pantry is staffed entirely by volunteers.
Each of these organizations helps staff the pantry:
Epiphany Lutheran and Episcopal Church
Marina United Methodist Church
Naval Postgraduate School
St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church
American Legion Auxiliary
Cal State Monterey Bay
Marina Lions Club
Boy Scout Troop 134
City of Marina Police Department
Marina Rotary Club
Kiwanis Club of Marina
The Thomas Carman Food Pantry's mission is to provide food for needy households and individuals.
We are located at the Epiphany Lutheran and Episcopal Church at the corner of Carmel and California Avenues in the City of Marina.
The Pantry is open on Saturdays from 9 to 11 a.m. and on Tuesday from 4 to 6 p.m.
Anyone in need is welcome. Customers are required to register and provide some form of identification.
The Pantry has been in operation since 2002.
In 2019 we distributed 5,165 bags of food, serving 14,610 people including 4,115 children and 3,753 seniors.
Thomas Carman Food Pantry
425 Carmel Avenue
Marina, CA 93933
For more information on how to volunteer or other Pantry information, click the CONTACT US button below
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